The biography of Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov
P. S. Nakhimov, the famous Russian admiral, was born on the 23rd of June, 1802, in Smolensk province. In 1815 Nakhimov entered the Naval College. In 1818 after graduation from the Naval College he began to serve in the Baltic Fleet. In 1822-1825 he sailed round the world on board the frigate “Cruiser”. In 1837 Nakhimov took part in Navarino battle against the Turkish Fleet. In 1834 Nakhimov began to serve in the Black Sea Fleet. In 1845 he was promoted to the rank of a Rear-Admiral and got the 4-th Fleet division under his command. In 1853 Nakhimov destroyed the Turkish fleet. All the Russian vessels returned safely to Sevastopol.By the beginning of the Crimean War in 1854 Nakhimov was one of the most experienced and talented admirals.During the defense of Sevastopol against the troop of the Anglo-Franco Turkish coalition Nakhimov was the leader and organizer of this defense. Nakhimov died the death of the brave in the final days of the siege. On the 28th of June, 1855 he was wounded and died two days later.